Mistakes to Avoid When Riding Your First Century

Book Excerpt Published

Southern California Bicyclist
My 8th article in Southern California Bicyclist Magazine came out this week. They featured my fourth book, "Your Century Ride", and printed an excerpt from my chapter on the typical mistakes that cyclists make on their first century ride. I have made some of these mistakes in the past. I have seen several more on century rides that I have been on.

Here is the article:

Mistakes to Avoid When Riding Your First Century - Southern California Bicyclist Magazine

As for the book itself, it covers:
  • How to train for your century ride
  • How to avoid the mistakes that could ruin your day
  • How the proper bike components help and why maintenance is crucial
  • How to ride with a large group of cyclists
  • How to handle hills and weather along the route
  • How much, and what, you should eat and drink, for the ride
  • How to finish the ride strong and have fun
You can find it here:
