After last year’s failure at the Santa Barbara Century, I was determined all year to complete the full century. In 2013, I had not been able to adequately train, I fired out with a fast group in the beginning, I was dehydrated and it was a warm day. All of these things added up to a miserable time, where my calves, quads and hamstrings took turns cramping up. Especially on steep inclines above 8%, which in this century is a real handicap. The Santa Barbara Century features 5 Cat 5s, 4 Cat 4s, 1 Cat 3 and 1 Hors Cat. You have to bring either a compact or a triple chainring to this event. Gobernador Canyon Road, followed by Toro Canyon, with Ladera Lane right after with Gilbraltar Road and La Cumbre Peak after a rest stop.
This year, I had a Stages power meter to help me manage the ride. I knew that I could crank out 200 to 250 watts without burning any matches, so I kept an eye on the bike computer to stay in that range during climbs. For the small sections where the grade pops over 10%, I pushed it over 300 watts, but I knew it was not for long. The key to this ride is to crank out the power when needed, but not too much that you can’t recover from. Also, I practiced going up Gilbraltar 4 out of the 5 weekends leading up to the century. I met a few other people practicing going up Gilbraltar as well. There was one important lesson that I learned over those weeks and it was that my performance was sensitive to heat. Temps over 90, I fade away. It’s not that my legs are less powerful, I just overall faded in the heat. Cooler temps, I would charge up the hill without a hitch. I studied all of my efforts up this hill over the years on Strava and tried to remember the conditions and it popped out at me. I remembered that one ride up to La Cumbre Peak it was 45 degrees, and I had no issues at all. At the top, I wasn’t tired at all, other warmer days, it was a different feeling altogether. At that point, I began to pray that on the day of the event, it would be cool, or least below 90.
The first challenge was Gobernador Canyon Road, a Category 5 climb with a fun descent. It’s a nice warm up for the climbing to come. After a quick stop at Carpinteria High School, it was on to Toro Canyon Road. The Toro Canyon climb is a combination of Foothill Road above the Polo Fields and Toro Canyon Road itself. The Foothill Road portion is undulating and runs from 4 to 8%, but after a very short descent, it is on to Toro Canyon, which is 8 to 10% for about a half mile. This is the first real challenging climb of the day. At the top of the summit, it is only another half mile until Ladera Lane. Ladera Lane is one mile of asphalt laid straight up the side of the hill. One mile at 8 to 12%, mostly 10+. The fact that it is straight is a good thing in that you can see how far you have to go. It is also a curse to see how far you have to go. You just have to grind this climb out. At the top, I always see a number of folks sacked out.Here I tried to keep my wattage around 200 watts. I was trying to save my legs for Gilbraltar Road.
I was thrilled to see Painted Cave Road, which is the way down off of this mountain ridge and end of
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